On 23rd February, Wire Fence Will Donate 100% of its Profit for World Spay Day

Wire Fence will give away 100% of our profits made on Tuesday 23rd February for World Spay Day.

If you are an organization, shelter or charity that supports and promotes spaying or neutering and you are in need of additional funds please follow the steps on how to apply mentioned at the bottom of this blog.

On the 23rd, the organization who gets the most likes on Facebook will receive the donation.

You can read more about our monthly donations here.



What is World Spay Day?

World Spay Day is on the last Tuesday in February and it provides an opportunity for organizations and charities to highlight their spay/neuter programs and win more community support. It also raises awareness about the importance of spaying.

Doris Day Animal League created this event in 1995 as Spay Day USA and since it has been recognized by 70 countries. This day promotes the importance of spaying/neutering to save the lives of thousands of community (feral and stray) cats and street dogs who might otherwise be put down in shelters.


Why is spaying so important?

  • According to Cats Protection 70% of litters in the UK are unplanned. Having your cat spayed protects her from getting pregnant.
  • A male cat which hasn’t been neutered is much more likely to fight over a female mate and get injured and can easily catch diseases like feline AIDS.
  • Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast tumors, which are malignant or cancerous in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats according to ASPCA.


What we are doing to help

To mark the world spay day 100% of the profits made by Wire Fence on the 23rd February will be donated to an organization that supports and promotes spaying or neutering.


Are you an Organization supporting spaying?

If you are an organization that supports and promotes spaying or neutering we would love to hear from you.


Please follow these steps to apply for the funds:

Go to our Facebook page

Find our post about this event

Share the post publicly

Collect as many likes as you can on your shared post until the 23rd of February

Bonus Points: Share this on your blog and each comment will count double! – please share the post in the comment section so we can find it!


The donation will be sent to the organization who gets the most likes on Facebook until the 23rd of February. We will announce the results on the 25th of February .



Thanks to our customers we raised £645 for Feline Friends London. Your contribution means these incredible people can continue their amazing work of helping cats in need.

Feline Friends London was founded in 2013 with the aim of offering sanctuary to cats at risk of unnecessary euthanasia and to help cats in need. They want to raise awareness about the importance of spaying as it can save many cats’ lives.

One of their new causes highlights this issue very well, as Astra, their first pregnant cat came into their care this year. She should be having her kittens any day. Fortunately for her she is in very good hands now, but not all cats are that lucky.

By raising awareness about these issues we can hopefully make a change for the better.


Published by

Timi Schmidt

Timi runs social responsibility campaigns for Wire Fence, helping to raise funds for different charities month by month. She also loves to do DIY projects using whatever's at hand and share the results with the world.

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